워터월드 홍콩 오션파크

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  1. 대중교통

    ... Cyberport – Stanley "오션파크(Ocean Park)"에서 하차 CTB-48 Wah Fu (North) – Ocean Park (토요일, 일요일, 공휴일 운행)   ... From Central (Star Ferry) To Ocean Park Main Entrance and Water World (Limited Service) 973번 Route 1: Departures ...

  2. Research

    As a zoological facility, Ocean Park provides an ex-situ environment (out of an animal’s natural ... This can help researchers avoid some of the barriers and complications in the field, thus offering them an easier way to study the ... https://www.esztermatrailab.com/ In 1993, Ocean Park established a scientifically-controlled breeding programme for dolphins in ...

  3. E&M 75th Anniversary Fun Day

    The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) organized “E&M 75 th Anniversary Fun Day” on 2 December and 3 December, 2023 at EMSD headquarters at Kowloon Bay.  Ocean Park supported this Fun Day as always, and we setup booth with prize-winning game and exhibition panels.  We aimed to ...

  4. Green Carnival 2024

    Ocean Park has always been a passionate advocate for promoting sustainability. ... to raise public awareness. On January 28, 2024, Ocean Park participated in the Green Carnival organized by the Green Council at ... We set up a lively game booth to promote low-carbon living and combating climate change by recycling and reducing the disposable plastic products. By the end of the event, we ...

  5. 세계 환경의 날 & 홍콩 그린데이

    ... (HKGD) in 2013, with aims is to increase public awareness and transforming Hong Kong into a greener community. Continuing the support to HKGD and its series of green events in June, the Park hosted the “Hong Kong Green Day Closing Ceremony” for the seventh ... and were set out to complete environmental missions in the Park. Through this game, they learnt to nurture their environmental habit and ... to a low-carbon lunch in Tuxedos Restaurant. Ocean Park celebrates 2018 World Environment Day Hong Kong Green ...

  6. 세계 해양의 날

    Ocean Park Conversation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) announced the return of ... 1,700 restaurants, educational institutions, corporations and government departments joining us to further public awareness on the threats that plastic products have on our oceans and the environment.   The latest campaign video was also launched on June ... In response to World Oceans Day on 8 June, Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) launched the very first “No ...

  7. Earth Hour

    ... "Earth Hour". This year marks the 15th consecutive year of Ocean Park's participation in this campaign, demonstrating our commitment to protecting the environment. On the day of the event, the Park switched off non-essential lights during the period 8:30 to 9:30 pm. We also encouraged staff to participate together and switched off the non-essential lights at home. Saving the Earth's precious ...

  8. Carbon Management

    Ocean Park of ten-year carbon reduction targets set in 2012 were successfully ... in the 2017/18 fiscal year four years ahead of schedule. The Park has reduced absolute carbon emissions by 10%. Additionally, the Park has ... of Polar Adventure to further improve energy efficiency and promote the development of renewable energy in the community, and is now in active preparation for its next phase to extend application of ...

  9. 오션파크 아카데미 홍콩에 대해

    오션파크 아카데미 홍콩에 대해

  10. 환경 및 탄소 관리 방침

    Ocean Park recognizes its corporate responsibilities towards both the environment and the community by addressing climate change. Supporting Hong Kong ... Climate Action Plan's carbon neutrality target, the Park is committed to achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2050 with good environmental practice among its staff and business partners, and will seek to encourage its suppliers and contractors ...