워터월드 홍콩 오션파크

Forbidden Rainforest Treasure Hunt

Forbidden Rainforest Treasure Hunt

Rainforest, The Summit
Opening Dates: 14th – 17th, 22nd – 24th, 29th – 31st October, 2021
From 5pm until 10pm

An ancient Amazonian treasure map has landed in the hands of a group of explorers, but they have realised the information is incomplete, and there are many more treasure locations to be discovered! They risked their lives and entered the land of the cannibals but faced great defeat and even lost some team members. But they refuse to give up and are asking you to join! You will be entering the depths of the treacherous rainforest and your mission is to protect the safety of the treasure map, defend it against cannibals who will attack with water pistols You’ll also need to ride on a treasure hunting raft through the many swirls, twists, and turns! Get ready to get wet and face the danger!