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Education Sector Rejoices at Ocean Park Applauding their Dedication to Environmental Conservation


Ocean Park brought together over 1,000 participants to celebrate the outstanding achievements of Seahorse Rangers at the Ocean Park Conservation Carnival cum Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Award Ceremony 2024 today. Over the past academic year, more than 3,500 students and teachers have dedicated themselves to conservation efforts through the Ocean Park Conservation Alliance.
Dr Choi Yuk Lin, Secretary for Education of the HKSAR Government, graced the event and joined Ocean Park in celebrating the success of the Conservation Alliance. Also in attendance were Legislative Council (LegCo) Members Dr Chow Man-kong, Deputy Chairman of LegCo Panel on Education, Mr Chan Siu-hung, Deputy Chairman of LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs, and Mr Yim Kong, Deputy Chairman of LegCo Panel on Economic Development.
Dr Choi Yuk Lin, Secretary for Education of the HKSAR Government stated in her speech that the Education Bureau is committed to promoting environmental education through interdisciplinary approaches, incorporating concepts related to the environment and sustainable development into primary and secondary school curricula. The Education Bureau encourages schools to cultivate students' awareness and sense of responsibility in caring for nature, cherishing resources, and preserving the ecological environment through comprehensive learning activities both inside and outside the classroom. This helps students progress from cognition to emotion, and from emotion to action, actively practising a green lifestyle and cherishing Earth's resources. Ocean Park has become an important partner in supporting schools' promotion of sustainable development education. She expressed gratitude to Ocean Park for its efforts and contributions in promoting nature conservation and related education.
“The success of Seahorse Rangers and the Ocean Park Conservation Alliance is of great importance to Ocean Park. It demonstrates how the Park empowers local schools and students to actively participate in conservation activities using its unique resources including the professional education teams at the Park. We are proud of their achievements and the knowledge they have gained thus far, and we look forward to welcoming more students and schools to join this community in protecting the environment. As we expand the programme to involve additional schools and students, we strive to create a stronger force,” said Mr Paulo Pong, Chairman of Ocean Park Corporation.
Three flagship programmes
At the award ceremony, Ocean Park recognised the accomplishments of schools and students throughout the year, particularly highlighting the results from three flagship programmes: SGREEN, which encourages recycling habits among students and teachers; Low Carbon PLS Day, promoting a low carbon diet; and City Nature Challenge, offering an opportunity to learn about local biodiversity and flora and fauna species.
Through the SGREEN programme, participating schools made a remarkable impact by collecting 2,358kg of plastics, 27,003kg of paper, and 3,035kg of cans during the school year. The Best Participating School award is bestowed upon schools that excelled in recycling the highest amount of materials. Tsui Lam Estate Baptist Kindergarten/Nursery, one of the Champion Schools, showcased their innovative approach by transforming recyclables into toys and musical instruments. They even organised a clothing recycling day to instil recycling habits within families.

Regarding the Low Carbon PLS Day, Conservation Alliance schools shared photos on Ocean Park’s Mission R Facebook page to showcase how they adopted low carbon diet during various activities such as picnic day and Christmas celebrations in support of the International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day. Among all, the photo of Q.E.S. Old Students' Association Branch Primary School received over 470 likes. In recognition of their outstanding efforts, Q.E.S. Old Students' Association Branch Primary School has been awarded the title of Champion School for their hydroponic plant cultivation initiative, where they grew plants in school and shared them with those in need in society.

During the City Nature Challenge, 319 observers in Hong Kong made over 8,300 observations, representing more than 20% of all observations in the region. Hong Kong ranked second in the Eurasia/Africa/Oceania category, with a total of 968 participants. Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School showcased their commitment to biodiversity protection by using smart cultivating devices to study the growth and needs of local butterflies.

Creativity flourished at Ocean Park Conservation Carnival
Today, 37 Ocean Park Conservation Alliance schools gathered at the Park to present their ideas for tackling environmental challenges. They showcased their conservation projects and community engagement efforts through interactive and creative game booths, covering topics such as low carbon living, protection of endangered species, and ocean conservation.
One of the participants, Tsang Hau Yan, Hannie, a K3 student from Tsui Lam Estate Baptist Kindergarten/Nursery, encouraged visitors to engage in their game booth promoting low carbon living. “I have learned that reusing, reducing and recycling materials can make a significant impact in protecting the Earth, and I am excited to share this message with more people through the game booth we have designed,” said Tsang.
Seahorse Rangers, an affiliate of the Ocean Park Conservation Alliance, aims to cultivate students’ passion for conservation from a young age. This includes students from kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools across Hong Kong. They delve into conservation issues, engage their peers in innovative solutions, and drive conservation efforts at schools and in their communities. Seahorse Rangers enjoy complimentary admission to Ocean Park with the 2023—2024 School Year Ocean Park Learning Pass, along with a variety of valuable resources.