- Q: What qualifications do the Educators at OPAHK have? Have they undergone any training before delivering the programmes?
A: Most of our Educators are degree holders in biological science, education or related disciplines. They have been well-trained and must pass the relevant assessments and evaluations before delivering any OPAHK programmes.
- Q: Are there any available OPAHK programmes for individual application?
A: No, OPAHK only accept application from schools classified under the school level of Education Bureau of the HKSAR as “kindergartens”, “primary schools” or “secondary schools” (including special schools among these school levels), and not available for schools classified as “others” by the Bureau. Charitable institutions and trusts of a public character which are exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance are also eligible for OPAHK programme application. Interested students should contact their school or organisation for enrollment.