Water World
Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong

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  1. Ocean Park Welcomes Annual Giant Panda Breeding Season Giant Panda Adventure Temporarily Closed for Mating of Ying Ying and Le Le

    Ocean Park is happy to announce that Ying Ying, the 8-year-old female giant ... cycle for this year.  Starting from today, Ying Ying and Le Le will be put together for mating opportunities, and the Giant Panda Adventure exhibit will be temporarily closed to the public ... mature in 2011. Dr. Allan Zeman, Chairman of Ocean Park, said, “We are very excited to see Ying Ying and Le Le entering their ...

  2. Ocean Park and Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Boost Stranding Response, Investigation and Research Capabilities with Launch of Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre

    Ocean Park and Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) announces today the grand opening of the Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre (HKMLSEC). Funded by the HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity ...

  3. Ocean Park Halloween Fest 2019 Creative Team Reveals Design Concept and Details of Integrating Horror Stories into Haunted Zones

    For the first time at Ocean Park, this year’s Halloween Fest will turn into Hong Kong’s largest ... six haunted zones, with ghastly elements covering the entire Park. The two featured zones, “Hong Kong Hauntgrounds” and “The Old Street of Hungry Ghosts” , located at the Waterfront, are ... its design. The creative team reveals the design concepts and details of the Park’s haunted zones, so that guests can be fully prepared ...

  4. Ocean Park Supports Earth Hour

    Ocean Park supports Earth Hour for the 6th consecutive year, a world-wide ... Wildlife Fund), by switching off all lights not for safety and emergency purpose for 60 minutes from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm on Earth Day tonight. Most of the lighting in guest areas and attractions within the Park, along with office and back-of-house facility lighting, will be switched ...

  5. Ocean Park Halloween Fest 2019 Presents Park-wide “HOWL-loween” Menus

    This year, Ocean Park Halloween Fest presents a whole new park-wide approach in which ghosts will take over six haunted zones to spread ... to have a taste of creepily delicious “HOWL-loween” food and beverages from 21 September to 3 November. For guests on the look for ... a time-limited LINE FRIENDS collection of magical dishes and mouth-watering desserts.   Perry Chung, Executive Director, ...

  6. Ocean Park and Department of Health Promote Joyful Fruit Month 2014 Creative Fruit Dishes Help Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases

    Ocean Park, collaborating with the Department of Health (DH) again, today ... event was presided by Dr. Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health, Dr. Chan Hon-yee, Constance, Director of Health, Dr. Allan Zeman, Chairman of Ocean Park, and Mr. Joseph Leung, Executive Director of Revenue of Ocean Park. The ...

  7. Ocean Park Halloween Fest 2019 Officially Kicks Off

    Ocean Park Halloween Fest 2019 kicks off today when Lau Ming-Wai, Deputy Chairman of Ocean Park, unveils the Park’s ultimate haunted experience and attractions with spooky ghosts and haunted characters.   Bringing Guests into the World of Haunted ...

  8. Ocean Park Presents Animal Discovery Fest to Inspire Conservation Featuring Hong Kong’s Largest-ever Exhibition of Seahorses OPCFHK Announces Latest Results of First Local Seahorse Tagging Project

    Ocean Park continues to lead efforts to promote marine conservation by ... the city’s largest-ever exhibition dedicated to seahorses and their relatives. All of the seahorses are from breeding programmes at other zoos and aquariums around the world, including many species never displayed in Hong ... opening ceremony for the seahorse exhibition, the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) announced the latest results ...

  9. Ocean Park Promotes Water-saving Gardening through Terraria Giant Seahorse Sculpture to Arouse Public Awareness towards the Over-Exploitation of Seahorses

    Ocean Park continues to participate in the annual “Hong Kong Flower Show” held at Victoria Park for the 14th consecutive year, and has won the “Award for Unique Features (Landscape Display) – Gold ... underwater coral reef habitat, arranged from different flora and fauna. The partially enclosed cavity design of the terraria maintains a ...

  10. Ocean Park Adds 30 Attractions with New Round of Development Projects Three Executive Directors Assumed Roles in January to Drive Marketing, Hotel Projects and Design

    Ocean Park today revealed that its new round of development projects will add around 30 attractions and a projected 1,100 permanent staff positions by 2017. Along with the Ocean Hotel project, the new developments will further elevate the Park’s appeal to overseas tourists and frequent independent travellers (FITs), supporting the government’s ...