Water World
Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong

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  1. Ocean Park Invites Public to Witness the Crowning of “Summer Dance Jam” Champions Leading local dancer Sukirabbit will be one of the Final Judges

    Ocean Park will be presenting the final of its street dance competition ... year’s Summer Carnimal. The last “individual battle” and “team battle” will take place on the evening of September 1 at 8:45pm at the Applause Pavilion, and additionally three teams made up of 20 street dance elites from Brazil and ... the final. Street dance-lovers can enjoy free entry to the Park from 8:30pm onwards to show support for the finalists and admire ...

  2. A Haunting Look at Ocean Park Halloween Fest 2018

    Ocean Park Halloween Fest, Asia’s largest Halloween celebration, will be ... at this year’s annual event. From 5 to 31 October, the Park will offer 11 haunted attractions and 13 unique experiences. Newly themed haunted attractions featuring multimedia and interactive elements are sure to put the frighteners on visitors looking ...

  3. Ocean Park Kicks Off Spooktacular Halloween Fest 2018

    Ocean Park Halloween Fest 2018 officially launched today with a ceremony hosted by Leo Kung, Chairman of Ocean Park, together with Bernard Chan, Acting Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development; Anthony Lau, Executive Director of Hong Kong Tourism Board; Kuninori Matsuda, Ambassador and Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong; Yuko Tsuji, CEO Asia / Chairman of ...

  4. Ocean Park Launches First Phase of Wi-Fi Service Covering 12 Attractions and Facilities to Enhance Guest Experience and Conservation Messages

    (Hong Kong – 29 October 2015) Ocean Park today announced that the first phase of the ’Ocean Park Wi-Fi Network and Mobile Application Development Plan’, jointly developed by the Park and Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited (HKBN), has been completed.  The Wi-Fi ...

  5. Ocean Park Kicks Off 2018 Sichuan Nature Conservation Week and Launches Hong Kong’s First Ecotour to Wolong in Wenchuan Taking Hong Kong people to the motherland of the giant panda for exclusive exploration in restricted conservation areas

    In collaboration with the Forestry Department and the ABA Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Government of Sichuan Province, Ocean Park is hosting the 2018 Sichuan Nature Conservation Week from today ... giant panda conservation and to promote Sichuan culture. The Park also joined hands with China Travel Service (H.K.) Limited (CTS) to ...

  6. McDull Makes Unprecedent Appearance at Ocean Park Christmas Sensation for First McDull Music Theatre Show in Hong Kong

    Ocean Park Christmas Sensation will be on from 15 December 2018 to 1 January 2019, and will feature the Park’s first-ever special collaboration with Hong Kong’s iconic cartoon ... Run ” at Applause Pavilion, Ocean Park, featuring McDull and Mrs Mak. The Park’s 40-foot tall Christmas tree featuring new ...

  7. Ocean Park Wins Three Brass Ring Awards Presented by The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions

    Ocean Park was presented with three Brass Ring Awards by The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), namely “Most Creative Property-wide Event: Annual Attendance More than 1 Million” and “Most Creative Halloween Haunt, Show, or Experience” under the “Live ... IAAPA Expo held in Orlando, Florida, recognising Ocean Park in providing world-class entertainment experience and effective marketing ...

  8. Ocean Park Head Chef Ricky Yan Wins Silver Award at Chinese Cuisine World Championship (Individual Competition) 2018

    Ricky Yan Yixin, Dining Room Chef of Ocean Park’s Neptune’s Restaurant, took part in the Chinese Cuisine World ... of Chefs Societies (WACS) that upholds certified judges and sets global standards for competition rules.   Under the theme of ... this year was divided into two groups, Professional and Young Chefs. Chefs from each group pitted their skills in four different ... of the Silver Award.   Chef Ricky Yan joined Ocean Park at the beginning of 2018 and has been responsible for the operation of ...

  9. Giant Panda Ying Ying Expected to Give Birth within about One Week

    Ocean Park today announced that giant panda Ying Ying is pregnant, which has ... to give birth within about one week. Whilst Ocean Park’s animal care team first noticed in late July hormonal changes and other typical early-pregnancy symptoms in Ying Ying, there were no ... signs, such as reduced food intake, increased resting time, and a heightened sensitivity to sounds and her surroundings. After repeated ...

  10. Male Golden Monkey Qi Qi Joins Existing Pair of Females for Breeding Two-toed Sloth and Dolphin Recently Gave Birth Ocean Park Confirms Red Panda Rou Rou’s Pseudo-Pregnancy

    Ocean Park is excited to welcome three new members to its family of animal ... of two new animal ambassadors, including a two-toed sloth and an Indo-Pacific bottle-nose dolphin. Ocean Park also confirmed that red panda Rou Rou has experienced a pseudo-pregnancy, ... in mid-August to join two female golden monkeys, Le Le and Hu Hu, who have been living at HKJCST since January 2012. Le Le and Hu Hu, ...